Cancellation/Refund/Exchange Policy

Return and Cancellation Policy

You can cancel any product only if it hasn't been shipped out. To cancel, please mail to our customer support team at When this occurs, we will cancel the order and complete the refund within seven business days of acknowledging the cancellation request. Orders once shipped cannot be canceled.

Refund Policy

Within 15 days from the date that Pukhya Jaipur receives the returned items, refunds are granted. If you paid for a prepaid order with a credit card, debit card, or through net banking, the money will be returned to your account within 3-5 working days. At the time of a Cash-on-Delivery order, a refund check will be deposited in your bank account in the billing name used at the time of the order or a bank transfer will be made. The information must be provided via email (; then the money will be transferred back to the original account within 3-5 working days. Be aware that shipping fees and Cash-on-Delivery fees are not refundable.